Monday, August 27, 2018

Picking Your Path

No Joy
Just Blah!

These are words that so many of my clients have used in the past to describe their lives.
The jobs they were doing, not due to following their passions but due to the pure fact that they have bills to pay. The unhappiness of the lives they were living each day. Feeling as if they had no other option than to do what they were doing every day.  Children who need clothes, food, a roof over their heads, a way to get to school etc.

They were unhappy with their lives, unhappy with their jobs and from that point they were taking it out on their husbands, kids, friends, and family.

Because  ....

" Dreams are for kids "
" Not everyone gets their dream job "
" There are no jobs out there "
" only the rich can afford to go after their dream jobs "
" Success is not meant for everyone "
" its okay to work a job you hate as long as your bills are paid "
" I don't feel safe where I live but it is all we can afford. "
" We don't control what happens to us or what jobs we can or can not get. "
" No one gives you a chance anymore, you have to have the experience to get the experience in job fields these days. "

Why do you sit there stressing over things you don't like, don't want and things that you can control?

Because when you were a child someone .... somewhere .... told you that you that you couldn't reach your goals...

That real life doesn't work how you think it does.
That you have to have a " real " job to pay your bills.

But why?

Why are you sitting there being unhappy when you could be living the life your dreams are made of?

You pick your own path in life, your path does not pick you. You have the control and ability to reach all your dreams. The first step is to change how you think of your dreams. All you have to do is believe in your self anf know that your dreams will come true.

You don't have to live in a world of doubt, fears and other people expectations. You control your own life and no one can stop you once you know what you want.

The only question is ..... what path will you pick?

Friday, April 7, 2017

The Change With In Myself

I spent most of my life telling myself that I did not need to work out.
That I was happy about how my body was and that I have the same kind of body every mom out there had.

That there was nothing special or different about me. Nor could I do anything to get the body back that I once had. Did I think I had this amazing body when I was younger... ummm NO!
Did I see how great I was and how my working out just a little after I had each of my older kids. Completely changed my body and helped me get back to the size had stayed for years. ..... NO!

I had no idea that the energy I had and how happy I was with in myself didn't come from being 20!
I had no idea of how working out even a little every day could change my whole mind set and my life. Not to count the lives of those around me since I was happier. I caused that happiness to spread to everyone in my world. Was I a single mother of 2 crazy kids. a 2 year old and 1 year old when I was only 20 years old. I was not perfect, I was not great at anything but I was learning to live my life and dang it that counts for something. I was learning to be everything that I am right now and that I will be in the future.

I am not a fan of working out.... in fact I freaking hate working out. It makes you sore, it makes tired and it takes up time I could be doing anything else.

I spent years of my life from the time I was 20 until now at age ( cough cough God am I really going to say my age, I feel so old ) 30!! 10 whole years not working out. I mean I did some work outs in the past with my best friend and with a guy from my past. But lets just be honest I worked out back them not because I wanted to but because the guy thought I was fat. ( clearly to me if I guy makes you work out with him he thinks your fat. Did I ever ask him if he thought I was fat.... heck no! I was too scared of the answer and he was a jerk but that is a story for another time. )  I ran 6 miles every day ( walking running.... okay maybe jogging is a better way to describe it because i run like phebe from that show Friends lol ) some days I was with the jerky ex of mine, with my best friend or some day I ran by myself.

Other times I worked out with just me and my best friend doing random work out videos we ran into to try to get us in shape. She was dealing with a deployment of the guy she was with at the time and I was just trying to be " good enough " for the guy I was dating. Did we lose weight.... YES! We both lost weight was it a lot umm not but we were not eating right either. Did I know anything about diets or what you should or should not eat. No I had no clue what I was doing and going by other people standards well that only made it worse for me.

With in those 10 years I used every excuse in the book of why I wasn't " in shape." I did so many fad diets that I lost count. I didn't eat at all some day just so I wouldn't gain any weight and guess what none of it worked at all. From 2009 to 2012 my weight went up and then it would drop down a little jus to go back up. I used depression as a huge reason for my weight gain and my birth control didn't help with my weight gain at all.

Sitting here right now I can honestly tell you that I use to be crazy! I use to think that I was so freaking fat when I was younger. I allowed everyone around me to tell me I was fat. .... When I was only a tiny size 3/5. I had to have been totally crazy to think they were right! But I know we have all been there and seen pictures of our selves when we were younger and thought dang I looked good back then.

What I have learned in the past few months would have changed my whole life if I knew what I know now back then. ( Story of my life lol )

1. Healthy eating doesn't mean you have to eat freaking rice cakes. .... Them things is nasty as can be!
2. If he doesn't love you for you and not your weight  or looks then he is not the right man for you.
    He is just an asshole and you should dump his sorry butt right now! seriously!
3. If he puts you on a freaking diet.... dump his sorry ass right now! You can do so much better!
4. If  your living an unhealthy life style then your body is not and can not be healthy! Change it all
   and you will change your world! Mine, body and soul!

Since I have started this journey ton working out again. I have more energy than I thought I could ever have again. I am happier and my kids are happier. The domino effect is so real and I never thought it was before. All of my friends that have such unhealthy life styles are growing and changing right along with me. Not because I nagged them to but because they see the change in me and my life. It has inspired them to make changes in their lives as well.

But still I hate working out... I hate it honestly but I do it because I love myself. I love my kids and my husband. I love my future grandbabies ( very very far off grand babies ) and I want to be there for them. I want to see my kids at their weddings and to watch them grow up and spend their lives doing what every positive things that they love. I want to be around to meet and love my daughters in law and son in law. I want to be active and be able to run after my now 9 month old baby boy and for all my kids to grow up in a house where they are living a healthy lifestyle. I want them to never question if their bodies are the way they should be. I pray my children never battle the self doubt that I have battled. My whole life because they are growing up in a house hold where healthy is beautiful.

If you hate working out .... your not alone! We get it! But push through and don't allow your self doubt to stop you from working out and living a healthy life style. Be stronger than you excuses!
If you need a support team I am here for you! Just contact me anytime.

Here is how my kids and I feel about working out before and afters lol

Monday, April 3, 2017

Learning To Eat Healthy

Lets be honest here!

Eating clean or eating healthy did not in any way shape or form sound fun to me.
I was NOT excited at all about this change in my life and everyone knew it.

It's not that I have always eaten crappy food or that I wouldn't eat healthy food. It is just that well I like pasta and need pasta in my life! Living in a house with a husband who eats like a cow and yet has freaking abs. That sucks! I tell him all the time how unfair it is that he can have the body that he has and not work out really at all. He is just blessed so very blessed to be able to sit there and eat a whole 3 layer chocolate cake and not gain a pound.

As much as I love him..... I kinda hate him for being so perfect as well. lol

So along my journey I have started to change little things about the way not only the way I eat but the way I cook for my family. Has my husband noticed..... bahahahhah NO he hasn't figured it out yet.

Here are some of the things I have made, recipes to follow next week of each of these meals.

The battle with wanting junk food has not ended but oh my goodness I know I am in for a long road.
I am not perfect when it comes to eating healthy but I am a forever work in progress.

My journey will never end but I know that the weight I have lost thus far is proof that if you work hard. You cut of the junk food and you drink your water every day. That you can have the results that you want.

.... Until Next Time! Y'all have a wonderful day! 

Friday, March 31, 2017

The Road Thus Far

Okay Y'all I am sitting here shaking and fighting back tears right now.

This ðŸ‘‡ðŸ‘‡ scares the living crap out of me.

I have NEVER gone this far out of my comfort zone in my life!

When I started this journey I told myself that I would never be that person. The person who post pictures of their body on social media.

I didn't feel like I needed anyone to see me in such a compromised position. To see the amount of weight I gained due to infertility, over eating, and depression. Not to count the stretch marks I have gotten from my pregnancies.

I could blame it on the fact that I just had a baby almost 9 Months ago. I could sit here any give you every excuse in the book as to why I weigh the amount I do. ( I have no idea how much I weigh bc I don't own a scale and haven't owned one my whole adult life. )

Yet here I am owning it! Owning that I gained so much weight and became someone I honestly hate! I have only been this unhappy with my life when. I was in an extremely abusive marriage with my ex husband.

I decided to take the picture on March 24th not for the whole world to see. But simply because I wanted to see if there was even going to be a difference in my body. After doing Country Heat for a week. Along with the few days I did 21 Day Fix. ( mostly the 10 minute abs )

I woke up this morning and decided to take another picture. The difference honestly completely shocked me.

I have exaggerated kyphosis and lordosis with scoliosis. My back hurts so bad just about every day but I push myself still. Until this morning I didn't think I had lost weight. I didn't think anything had really changed. But the pictures are proof that I was so wrong.

If you think you can't work out, you hate working out. You're " size " causes you issues so you can't work out. .... Guess what YOU ARE WRONG!

" Stop with the excuses! Because not one of them is good enough! You are worth getting healthy for. Your kids are worth living a healthier lifestyle for. "

^^ that is what I have to tell myself every single day but I still push myself even when I don't feel good at all.

I am not perfect and will always continue to be in progress. If You're looking for a great support system, where you can share the good bad and ugly of your journey comment, email, DM, text me. Start your journey and never look back!

You Wont regret it! I am not saying its easy but it sure is worth it! 

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Rocking My Business!

Y'all I never in my life though I would be sitting here right now telling you. How I am totally rocking my business. I never thought when I started this journey on February 1st, 2017. That I would be rocking my business in the ways that I have been rocking it.

I have been so blessed to have accomplished the things that I have thus far. I know , I know everyone says they are rocking their business these days. However lets fact it when we all say it, it means different things to different people.

For me Rocking my business means I have done so very well that I am actually proud of myself.
My husband is so proud of me and my business, he even refers to it as my job and my business. ( you have no idea how happy I am to be able to say that ) I never in my life thought he would say that to me.

Right before joining beach body I told my husband that I was going to join beach body as a coach. His words to me was " It will count as a real job when you make $30,000 a year. " I was honestly heart broken and angry to hear him say that. Asif anyone who makes less that that doesn't even really work in his eyes.

Yet here I am saying he is here right now saying the change is so real! My husband fully supports my business and supports it 100%.

No, I have not made $30,000 this year by far. Let me break down how much I have made and why my husband is fully supportive of this business.

Week One: I made $8.74 that's it! Not even enough to hit the $10 amount you need to make in order to get a check from beachbody. I worked less than an hour that whole week.

Week Two: $0.00 Yes, you read that correctly I didn't even make not one cent in my second week in business. I did not work at all that week due to honestly being lazy.

Week Three: $0.00 Yes that's right a second week of making nothing at all but that was okay with me since I knew I was focused on learning. I worked maybe half an hour that whole week.

Week Four: This was it! My first really good week and let me just tell you that I was not expecting it at all! I had not one but TWO people out of the blue signed up under me as coaches. They also bought challenge packages and I made $140. In a matter of 2 hours I made $140 and that was pretty much all I really worked the whole week. I know I should have been working more however I had a lot going on.

What did I do differently in my 4th week than I had been doing in the other weeks. Well that is simple I actually worked my business. I started doing the things that I was told to do and had been learning all about doing. Did I do it all full on , well no of course not. I was business and I didn't do what I should have been doing fully.

However from that week on I have been doing my power hour, and let me just tell you the power of 3's are AMAZING!

I changed my life in that 4th week. I decided to start making time each and every day for my business. To set working hours and to start doing things the way the others on my team have been doing the whole time. There is a reason that all of the amazing females above me in my up line are making the money they are. They are changing lives each and every day and it's following their lead that has changed my business for the better.

I am not making the money that I want to be making at this point but so far I have.

* Became a  EMERALD coach!

* Earned one of the best calls of my life, with the CEO and Co- Founder of Beach Body.
CARL DAIKELER himself and let me just tell y'all this was an awesome call and I learned so very much.

* I have been recognized for my success with in this company. Unlike other companies Beach Body is all about giving their coaches everything they need to be successful and they are their to celebrate with you.

I don't know where my business will take me but I know I can not wait to share this journey with everyone.

Success is Possible with Beach Body! All of these amazing things have happened in one week! I haven't even been a beachbody coach for 30 days yet but I just rocked my first month in business.

I can not wait to share the amazing things that are to come with in my little company. Great things are planned for me and even greater things are already happening with in the people who have joined me on my journey. If you are ready to take the leap and start your own business.

Let's do this! Let's rock this amazing journey together.
Start Rocking Your Own Business

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Shakeology 7 Day Sampler Unboxing

My daughter has been asking me for a while now to allow her to do an " unboxing."

What is Unboxing?  It is when you open and show what comes in a box of course.
She has seen all these unboxing videos on youtube and they all seemed like so much fun to her.
It has taken her a lot of time and practice to post this video. So please do not be rude to her in anyway.

The Shakeology Flavors are: 
Vegan Chocolate
Vegan Tropical Strawberry
Café Latte

We hope that you all enjoy her video and if you have any questions please feel free to ask.

Links to the websites will be posted under the video.

My BeachBody Website

Shakeology Website