Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Rocking My Business!

Y'all I never in my life though I would be sitting here right now telling you. How I am totally rocking my business. I never thought when I started this journey on February 1st, 2017. That I would be rocking my business in the ways that I have been rocking it.

I have been so blessed to have accomplished the things that I have thus far. I know , I know everyone says they are rocking their business these days. However lets fact it when we all say it, it means different things to different people.

For me Rocking my business means I have done so very well that I am actually proud of myself.
My husband is so proud of me and my business, he even refers to it as my job and my business. ( you have no idea how happy I am to be able to say that ) I never in my life thought he would say that to me.

Right before joining beach body I told my husband that I was going to join beach body as a coach. His words to me was " It will count as a real job when you make $30,000 a year. " I was honestly heart broken and angry to hear him say that. Asif anyone who makes less that that doesn't even really work in his eyes.

Yet here I am saying he is here right now saying the change is so real! My husband fully supports my business and supports it 100%.

No, I have not made $30,000 this year by far. Let me break down how much I have made and why my husband is fully supportive of this business.

Week One: I made $8.74 that's it! Not even enough to hit the $10 amount you need to make in order to get a check from beachbody. I worked less than an hour that whole week.

Week Two: $0.00 Yes, you read that correctly I didn't even make not one cent in my second week in business. I did not work at all that week due to honestly being lazy.

Week Three: $0.00 Yes that's right a second week of making nothing at all but that was okay with me since I knew I was focused on learning. I worked maybe half an hour that whole week.

Week Four: This was it! My first really good week and let me just tell you that I was not expecting it at all! I had not one but TWO people out of the blue signed up under me as coaches. They also bought challenge packages and I made $140. In a matter of 2 hours I made $140 and that was pretty much all I really worked the whole week. I know I should have been working more however I had a lot going on.

What did I do differently in my 4th week than I had been doing in the other weeks. Well that is simple I actually worked my business. I started doing the things that I was told to do and had been learning all about doing. Did I do it all full on , well no of course not. I was business and I didn't do what I should have been doing fully.

However from that week on I have been doing my power hour, and let me just tell you the power of 3's are AMAZING!

I changed my life in that 4th week. I decided to start making time each and every day for my business. To set working hours and to start doing things the way the others on my team have been doing the whole time. There is a reason that all of the amazing females above me in my up line are making the money they are. They are changing lives each and every day and it's following their lead that has changed my business for the better.

I am not making the money that I want to be making at this point but so far I have.

* Became a  EMERALD coach!

* Earned one of the best calls of my life, with the CEO and Co- Founder of Beach Body.
CARL DAIKELER himself and let me just tell y'all this was an awesome call and I learned so very much.

* I have been recognized for my success with in this company. Unlike other companies Beach Body is all about giving their coaches everything they need to be successful and they are their to celebrate with you.

I don't know where my business will take me but I know I can not wait to share this journey with everyone.

Success is Possible with Beach Body! All of these amazing things have happened in one week! I haven't even been a beachbody coach for 30 days yet but I just rocked my first month in business.

I can not wait to share the amazing things that are to come with in my little company. Great things are planned for me and even greater things are already happening with in the people who have joined me on my journey. If you are ready to take the leap and start your own business.

Let's do this! Let's rock this amazing journey together.
Start Rocking Your Own Business

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