Friday, March 31, 2017

The Road Thus Far

Okay Y'all I am sitting here shaking and fighting back tears right now.

This 👇👇 scares the living crap out of me.

I have NEVER gone this far out of my comfort zone in my life!

When I started this journey I told myself that I would never be that person. The person who post pictures of their body on social media.

I didn't feel like I needed anyone to see me in such a compromised position. To see the amount of weight I gained due to infertility, over eating, and depression. Not to count the stretch marks I have gotten from my pregnancies.

I could blame it on the fact that I just had a baby almost 9 Months ago. I could sit here any give you every excuse in the book as to why I weigh the amount I do. ( I have no idea how much I weigh bc I don't own a scale and haven't owned one my whole adult life. )

Yet here I am owning it! Owning that I gained so much weight and became someone I honestly hate! I have only been this unhappy with my life when. I was in an extremely abusive marriage with my ex husband.

I decided to take the picture on March 24th not for the whole world to see. But simply because I wanted to see if there was even going to be a difference in my body. After doing Country Heat for a week. Along with the few days I did 21 Day Fix. ( mostly the 10 minute abs )

I woke up this morning and decided to take another picture. The difference honestly completely shocked me.

I have exaggerated kyphosis and lordosis with scoliosis. My back hurts so bad just about every day but I push myself still. Until this morning I didn't think I had lost weight. I didn't think anything had really changed. But the pictures are proof that I was so wrong.

If you think you can't work out, you hate working out. You're " size " causes you issues so you can't work out. .... Guess what YOU ARE WRONG!

" Stop with the excuses! Because not one of them is good enough! You are worth getting healthy for. Your kids are worth living a healthier lifestyle for. "

^^ that is what I have to tell myself every single day but I still push myself even when I don't feel good at all.

I am not perfect and will always continue to be in progress. If You're looking for a great support system, where you can share the good bad and ugly of your journey comment, email, DM, text me. Start your journey and never look back!

You Wont regret it! I am not saying its easy but it sure is worth it! 

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