Wednesday, February 1, 2017

What is a Beach Body Business and MLM?

Military life is filled with tons of ups and down and finding a career you love is no easy task.

When Your Looking For:

* You need a career that can move with you no matter where you pcs around the world.

* Will give you the freedom to drop what ever work you are doing and parent, pcs, go to Military functions or do anything else that might come up.

* You have to be able to restart your business no matter where you end up.

* Little to set up cost as military life isn't what some think. They don't get paid a lot of money.
" Benefits " are not free. So starting a business can't cost a whole lot and schooling to find a good career that can go with the flow. That is so hard!

* Weekly pay you need to get that pay check every week.

However where and how do you find a job that can be everything you need it to be?

In the military life style there are not many options for careers. Most of us know at least a few wives who have started their own businesses. No matter if its photography, selling crafts, or the ever difficult sales business. ( Beachbody, Jewelry in candles, Thirty-One gifts, Avon, Mary Kay, doTerra etc. ) The list of MLM companies and businesses go on and on.

They are the companies that allow wives to change their world and bring in the income they want. However lets face it they have a reputation as " waste of time and money." That they are " just another scam to take you money. " You know those " pushy sales " wives who try to sell anything to anyone just to make a dollar.

For those who don't know MLM is Multi-level marketing. That means you start on the bottom rank and then with members you have " join you team." As well as sales you make with in the month. There are different systems but they are all pretty much the same from what I have learned. 

There are those people who say that these companies are all a scam and not to go any where near them. However I would like to start by pointing a few things out. When you join the Military or most companies. You start out on the bottom of the company and you have to go up the ranks. Each rank requires a certain list of things in order to move up to the next rank. The way I see it Companies who allow people to start independent businesses at home or where ever. Are no different than any other companies out there. You start at the bottom and work your way up the company latter rank by rank. The only real difference in these types of companies is that you are the boss on how quickly or slowly you go up the ranks. Not everyone is cut out for these types of businesses and not everyone should be part of them even if they are already part of them. No one enjoys a pushy annoying sales person trying way too hard to make you sale or buy things you don't want in your life. However from the research I have done I don't think all " at home " businesses are made equally at all.

The way to tell which company are right for you and your life style is all about figuring out what you want. As well as what you need in your life and when you need it. I am going to use myself as an example. For me I have never found a company I believed in, at least not fully believed in. I have looked around at many different companies and yes there are some really great companies out there.
However that has not stopped me from joining a few different companies through out my life. One of which was Beachbody.... yes I said it I joined beachbody. However the company was not right for me as I had no idea what beachbody was. Back in 2010 when I joined the company I was not a Military wife, I had no idea what beachbody was nor what it meant for me. So it lasted all of 30 days and I was over it with out a second thought or a moment of being trained by my " mentor." This is the story with so many people out there searching for a great business that they love. It's not that the company has failed those of us who don't do well in these businesses.

1.  Our mentors were not the ones for us and they did not help us in the way that they should have or that we needed.

2. We didn't start the business for the right reasons.

3. We don't take it serious as a real business.

4. We did not follow the system that we had been taught with in our company.

Those 4 reasons are the ones that are the most common of why a business does not do well. Yet the companies so often blame others for their businesses not doing very well. They say that the company was the reason they failed or because they did not want to push products on their friends and families.
I was one of these people lord knows I felt it was everyone fault but my own. Until I took a step back and decided years later that I was going to research these companies. I knew I wanted to set my own hours, that I loved to help people, to change peoples lives. I needed my business to move with me with out a lot of paper work. Being a Military wife I knew that we could get stationed any where in the world so my business couldn't take up much space. I didn't want to keep inventory at all. It had to be something that I could do in my own time.To get paid every week and not have to question when I would get my pay check. So joining one of the MLM company's seemed like the best idea and the only real option for me.

Working my way down the list of companies I found myself right back where I had once been many years ago. Looking beachbody right back in the eyes and questioning if it was the right one for me. If maybe having a new mentor would change things. So I researched and talked to actual beachbody coaches who were the best of the best. They loved what they do , they made over $100,000 a year ( they showed me the proof. ) and yet they all said the same thing. They don't sell anything at all, they don't ask anyone to buy anything. All they do is share their story, their lives each and every day on social media sites. They help others learn to do the same and the customers come to them, they don't go out nagging people to buy things or keep any inventory.

So I asked myself the question that they had asked me.

Can you work out 4 days a week?
Share your story?
Drink a shake once a day 5 days a week? ( or every day )
and hire a team who wants to do the same thing?

There is it.... the 4 questions that can change your life for the better or allow you to keep going the way you have been up until this point.

For me, The answers were yes .... to every question YES! I wanted that, I could do that. But that is not where the questions stopped for me. I had to learn more about what beach body really was.

This is what I knew about the company....

They sold at home work outs, dvds and shakes that were to replace the meals. That was it all I knew about the company from back when I was a " coach " for my 30 days.

However from a little more search and talking to my wonderful friends who were rocking it as coaches. I learned that beachbody was not selling work out dvds at all. Yes it use to be and lord knows I couldn't do that again. Beach body on demand had it all over 6000 work outs at the tip of your finger. No more dvds, no more spending $100's of dollars on a crazy amount of dvds just so you could have a choice of different work outs depending on your mood. All for a cheap price and there were actually a ton of options not a set. pay this and you get that style.

Yall that was it! I learned so much and I knew that was the one thing that honestly was stopping me from doing this. So Here I am sitting here as a beach body coach. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I share my story with others and from there if they too want to change their world. Everyone joins for their own personal reasons. Some to make a full time income at home, to have time with their family. To travel the world and still be able to work. The list goes on and on and that is the great thing about this company. Your reasons are your own, your story is your own and your business is your own. I cant tell you where my story will end up or where I will be a month from now. But I do know that my business will go with me. My family gets to come first always and I am in control of my own future. I could do all the good I want in the world and help others make the changes they have been wanting to make.

........ And so the journey starts here ........

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