Thursday, January 26, 2017

Picking A Company To Go With and Why I picked this Company.

Since I decided that this year was my year.

I have spent way too hours and nights searching through the long list. Of work at home businesses that I could start on my own at home.Researching each company and their products so I could figure out which company would be the best to start a business with. With there being over 1400 companies currently. I know that I do not want to be one of those pushy sales people who makes everyone they know buy things. I don't really want to sale anything at all I want to work with a company that is something that most people want or need. So that people will come to me instead of my having to search for customers day and night. I have to have a weekly pay check with out a doubt.

With there being so many different types of companies out there. The only way for me to start the process was to break down the companies based on what they sale.

Candles -
Make Up -
Skin Care -
Storage Stuff -
Clothes -
Wraps -
Cleaning Products -
Jewelry -
Health And Fitness -

The list just goes on and on for way too long. So those are the ones I have broken the ones I have heard of down to. I know that wraps don't work so I know that none of those companies are right for me. Along with Skin care, candles, Jewelry and make up and storage stuff. I just don't think I believe in those companies enough to bother starting a business with them. That pretty much leaves cleaning products , clothes, and health and fitness.

I know that everyone has their own story and own reason for joining and what they are looking for.
For Me I know I want:

* To get paid weekly
* Not to have to sale anything
* To work my own hours
* A business that can go with us where ever we move to
* To be able to help people live their dreams out loud.

Find a company that can give me everything I want was hard but I am blessed to have found one.

They have a A+ BBB rating
No sales at all!
They send people to me who have dreams that they want to follow
They help change peoples lives

I could go on and on about them and trust me in the following months to comes I am sure that I will.
If you want to know which amazing company I picked....

You will just have to wait a few more days until I take the leap and officially start my business with this company. Trust me you don't want to miss out on hearing all about them and how they have changed my life. I haven't even joined at this point and they have already changed my life so much!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Changes coming in 2017!

For years I have been trying to decide what I wanted to do with my life.

I knew all the basics of what I wanted and what I needed with the life style that my family and I live. It has been a lot of hard work many nights of researching and praying about what was right for us. This is something that is not only about me and my life and my needs.

My family is the most important art of my life and I know that with my career I need to be able to fully support us. In case something were to ever happen where my husband were to be unable to work. I want to be able to live the life free of fear and that could take me where I want to go in life. I am a mother, a wife and friend. I want to be able to help other people better their lives every chance I get. There is no better career for me than one where I am helping other people reach their dreams.

How I could reach my dreams well how everyone reaches their dreams in this world. I need to start where ever dreamer starts and that is by writing my list of what I will be doing this year.

2017 if my year and big changes are coming to mine and my families lives.

So here we go .... Here is my Game plan!
1. I will to change the lives of at least 1 person a week and anyone else who comes my way.
2. I will  make an income that will replace the one I would have working out side of the home.
3. I will work at getting my body to a point where I am happy with it.
4. I will work each day to be a better mom and wife than I was the day before.
5. We will take a family vacation where I fully pay for everything, using income from my business.

These are my 5 top goals and this is what I will do this year. It is not my full list I am sure that as the months go by I will add and changing things. I will grow an a business owner and I know that when I pick a business to enter. That will be the largest thing I can do to put these things into action.

One step at a time.... and this is step one!